Thank You Letter from Wife of Deployed Soldier!
Mr. Gallo,
I wanted to thank you for the care package you sent my husband, SPC
Matthew Duletzke. He has been in Afghanistan since May and will be there
until next June. It was a great surprise for him! He said it was the
best care package he has ever recieved from a stranger. I’m sure you
know how important it is to feel like you are remembered while serving,
and the work that you guys do is a much needed reminder to our troops
that they are not forgotten. Again, thank you for adding Matthew to your
list. It is touching to know how much people care about our troops.
Thank you also for your service in the Marine Corp.
God Bless America,
Chelsea Ferramosca Duletzke
Note : I did not send the package one of our members sent Matt's
address to Operation Jersey Cares and they sent out the care package
right away & Matt will also receive a Holiday package.
Thanks to the volunteers at OPJC