"Marcia Windt"

Thank you - From Marcia Windt guest at last nights social

Thank you from Marcia,  Morris plains Presbyterian Church one of our supporters.
Jacks poem was a great hit !

It was great to see you last night and meet many of your members.  I wanted to thank you for inviting us to your social. Pat and I had a very nice evening and are so honored for the wonderful recognition you gave us and our Church. Gary enjoyed his gig as detachment photographer too J. Thank God for all of you and the wonderful work you do.

We enjoyed chatting with Adrian’s dad, Paul and meeting Derrick and his family. It is humbling to hear their story and I am in awe of their strength and resolve as they get through the challenges they have face and struggles they will still endure. It certainly helps puts many things into prospective.

The reading of the beautiful  Marine Christmas poem by one of your members was so touching. The poem was amazing and his eloquent delivery made it even more so. Unfortunately the gentleman’s name escapes me now, but I had a chance to speak to him briefly and learn he was at Iwo Jima.  It is hard to associate a rough tough Marine with the serene and tender man that spoke that poem so elegantly, but being fortunate enough to personally have  2 Marines (and many others such as you) in my life I know first-hand this is what truly makes Marines such a special breed.

Well, I just wanted to send you a note to thank you and the detachment for a very nice evening. I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year!

Thank you again. God Bless.

Semper Fi



Gary her husband is a detachment member & their son Skip is a Marine Pilot Cpt currently deployed. Gary came to the meeting last night to take pictures for the family & church. I asked him to take pictures of the presentations for us.

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