This is your detachment Marine Corps League at work supporting the wounded and the youth of the community. This is a wonderful project that Rachel took on.   Rachel,  a  Whippany girl scout organized a 5k run - HANOVER'S RUN FOR HEROES  for the benefit of Operation Hometown, a  4 star charity that provides financial assistance to our wounded  and their families. Marines Care donated $1000.   

 PLEASE READ THE THANK YOU FROM RACHEL'S MOM.  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 8:16 AM Subject: Donation from MARINES CARE - thank you from the mother

Pete,   Hi!  How are you?  This is Alissa  - Rachel's mom.  We just wanted to thank you so much for supporting her run and her G.S. Gold Award.  The Generosity from the LCPL Robert J. Slattery detachment Marine Corps. League was overwhelming!  We really appreciate all the support!  We look forward to meeting with you on Wednesday, September 5th.   Take Care!   Alissa & Rich  

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L/CPL Robert John Slattery Detachment # 206, MCL,
Whippany, New Jersey
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